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80 of the 80s Music Podcast

We're going back in time! This is the counting-down. This is the over-analysis. These are the best songs from the best artists from the best decade in pop music history: The 1980s! This is the 80 of the ‘80s Music Podcast - with your semi-confrontational hosts: (“Rapid Fire Lady”) AK-47 and (“Ex-DJ”) CK-1.

Nov 13, 2022


:02: Crazy 8s Countdown I: H&O Best
:21: Commercial Break I
:23: Callin' Oates
:25: Crazy 8s Countdown II: The Halls of Space
:38: Cliche Bear
:40: Jingle Bell Talk
:43: Yet, even more H&O (Travelin' Pig)
:51: Commercial Break II
:54: Underrated Honorable Mention: Spoons "Nova Heart"
1:01: You Choose...