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80 of the 80s Music Podcast

We're going back in time! This is the counting-down. This is the over-analysis. These are the best songs from the best artists from the best decade in pop music history: The 1980s! This is the 80 of the ‘80s Music Podcast - with your semi-confrontational hosts: (“Rapid Fire Lady”) AK-47 and (“Ex-DJ”) CK-1.

Dec 14, 2020

You've been waiting for a long time.

:00 Thankful for this Intro
:05 Stop with the Same-Sounding Songs!
:15 Obligatory Erasure Album Countdown
:30 Real Commercial Break?
:31 Album #1
:41 Bill & Ted Face the Movie Review
:48 That Sucked Big Time: Macy's Parade
:58 The Joy of Joy Electric

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Apr 28, 2020

It's in the Bush!

:00 Punny Intro
:04 Obligatory Kate Bush Album Countdown (feat. DJ Serious) Pt.1
:24 Commercial Break
:27 Kate Bush Album Countdown (feat. DJ Serious) Pt.2
:49 Let's talk about Talk Talk & Scritti Politti & The Bird & The Bee
:58 Commercial Break
1:00 Reviewing Pet Shop Boys Hot Spot
1:05 Excavating...

Jan 22, 2020

Before you know it you'll be on your knees.

:00 Intro The Closet
:02 Philling the Void OR Tired of the Fire?
:24 Commercial Break
:25 Post-Holiday Buyers Guide
:29 2019 Picks: Electric Youth & Nina
:33 House of Danger: The Game
:35 Live: a-ha & OMD (again)
:38 A Few New Pet Shop Boys Songs
:40 Listener Challenge: RIP...